when you choose a reading below that you would like it will automatically take you to Paypal for payment. If you live In Australia and would rather pay via bank transfer direct, please email me at info@vickibuttonpsychic.com and let me know which reading you want and I will give you my bank details. I can’t do this for overseas clients sorry, only if you reside in Australia.
Please also check your spam folders a lot of my emails end up in spam.
All of my readings are done via email or on messenger. This way you have a written copy which you can refer back to for years to come.
Sometimes when you see a clairvoyant face to face, you may take away something they said from how you are feeling at the time and then further down the track because you are feeling different, you can interpret it differently, with a written reading, when you refer back to it, you always have that written copy to reread.
I have an open channel with your higher self and with guides for about an hour and in that hour I write down all that I can pick up around you, I can do this when I, myself is in a very receptive zone, if I am not feeling the connection, I can wait and do it later.
I have always had a desire to be very accurate and give a lot of detail. I don’t like using words like “change is coming” or “something big is about to happen”, I like to get more details so that I can see a vision of what that is that is going to happen and give you a description of what it looks like.
I like to give descriptions of what houses look like, what jobs looks like, give names, give as much detail as possible. The one thing I don’t give is accurate time lines because your own free will and the free will of others can determine when something happens.
Purchase a Reading
Please contact me at info@vickibuttonpsychic.com if you would like to purchase a reading to be gifted to someone else.
I can email you a gift certificate to be printed out and handed to the person of choice.